Plural Saúde doubles its customer base with WhatsApp sales

See how Plural Saude digitized its sales teams' service with Zenvia's solution, making the process more agile, personalized, and scalable.

Luan Fazio | 27/10/2023
3 min de leitura
Plural Saúde doubles its customer base with WhatsApp sales

Digitizing the sales department’s services was a challenge for Plural Saúde, a company that sells group health plans. That was until they decided to rely on technology to transform its operation.

Using Zenvia’s technology, Plural decided to include in its salespeople’s routine software capable of managing sales via WhatsApp, one of the communication channels with the most active users in Brazil.

With a customized solution for its business, Plural has made service more agile, increasing conversion by 30% and boosting sales in all the regions it serves.

The project began before the pandemic, in early 2020, due to Plural’s need to modernize the sales process. The growth in the use of WhatsApp motivated the company to look for tools that could manage service at scale, improving the organization of the sales team and the flow with customers and prospects.

“Among so many options in the market, we chose one that had an easy interface and could be understood by the sales team, not necessarily by IT technicians. In addition to the user-friendly layout, it could be customized to meet our needs, providing the metrics we needed. Another aspect is that the platform provided a mobile version, so that our brokers could attend both in person and remotely,” explains Fabio Lapolli, head of Marketing at Plural.

In just one year, the company doubled its client portfolio, showing that the team was on the right path to consolidating the brand and making it more competitive in the market. “Before adopting the solution, we lost a customer because of our response time. Today, sales are agile. But for that to happen, it’s essential to be on the channel the customer wants, at the time they want it, and to respond quickly. With Zenvia Conversion, we can do all this. The tool also brought automation, making it easier to qualify leads, which was important for defining the persona and gathering information about customers, improving the service flow and their experience,” says Lapolli.

With 15 branches throughout Brazil, Plural has managed to improve the distribution of contacts between regions, which has also helped to increase conversion. “If the team from Rio, for example, serves a client from Manaus, the conversion rate goes down. But by adjusting the distribution of the flow, this doesn’t happen,” says the executive. He adds that the company’s intention is to increasingly automate this process until customers are able to solve their needs via WhatsApp, by robot, without talking to a broker directly. Today, customers who use the channel can request a duplicate boleto, an income tax statement, a card number, among other services.

Next steps

To make the customer experience even better, automated solutions using Artificial Intelligence are in Plural’s plans. “With this digital mindset, we increasingly want to improve our services and processes. We are thinking of implementing a service model that makes it possible to contract plans autonomously, quickly and securely. In other words, the customer will be able to carry out the process with complete autonomy. And, of course, we’re also going to offer the option of speaking to an agent. The choice will be the customer’s alone,” says Lapolli.

Escrito por
Luan Fazio
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